Kaleici Antalya Old Town

Kaleici meaning ‘inside the Kale’, is also known as ‘Old Antalya’ and was the original Antalya before the modern part of the city was built. Until that time, almost all of the old town of Antalya was behind walls. The old Town offers some wonderful historic buildings from many eras dating from Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman, sights such as Hadrian’s Gate, traditional Ottoman style houses, winding streets, old boutiques, bars, guest houses and restaurants, that all add their own unique stamp on the city to create a more atmospheric setting.


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Kaleici – A Wonderful Day Out

Many people who visit Antalya choose to stay in the old town because it is less busy than the hustle and bustle of the larger more modern hotels in the tourist area of Antalya and also much cheaper!

Kaleici AntalyaThe old part of Antalya, really is a wonderful place to visit but sadly so many people who visit Turkey miss out on this experience as they would prefer to lay on a beach for the duration of their holiday. It really is worth taking a few hours wandering around at your own leisure and taking in the wonderful sights, sounds and beautiful smells that linger from the many restaurants as they begin cooking their daily menus, you will not be disappointed.

As you stroll through the ancient streets, you will stumble across the warrens of many shops, galleries, sights and sounds that all make Kaleici so special. Each shop or stall offers their own wares and you can try your haggling skills as you go. Yes, this is expected of you, so don’t feel bad! Although it might feel a little harder when the shop keepers have offered you small gifts to entice you into their shop!

There are plenty of bars and restaurants for you to take a quick stop if you need one and all offer a wide selection of beers, wines and local food.  You will also find many stalls selling fresh juices which is lovely on a hot summers day. All the restaurants offer fresh food and are all very cheap in price.


Kaleici – The Old Harbour And Marina

Kaleici Antalya HarbourThe old harbour/marina is a very charming place to visit where you will never be bored.  You can simply pass the time sunbathing on the small beach, strolling around the harbour or sit passing the time people watching having a glass of your favourite tipple. The ice cream sellers on the harbour front are characters in their own right as they laugh and joke as they sell their ice cream. You can also find some lovely restaurants that offer stunning views over the harbour while you enjoy the local dishes.

Boat trips are also on offer from the harbour and vary in price depending on how busy they are. It is worth asking a few of them for their price before you actually pay for a trip.

If you are visiting Antalya, it is recommended to just put a few hours aside to visit Kaleici, you will be glad you did!